13b 4port Or 6 Port
I was just asking because im going to get an RX-3 and put a 13b engine turbo but i don't know which i should get. I hear the 6 ports dont run as well and that there are not much gains from porting. I just want to know more about whats the difference between them.
i heard from few people that put turbos on 6 ports engine that they gain 20 hp over the turbo II hp but i heard too that 6 ports engine create alot of turbulance but i only hear that only in N/A form, i dont know in turbo.
N/A has a smaller ex port and high comprssion rotors, both bad for a turbo engine... I've never heard anything about the side ports... I would only assume that if it was a good swap everyone would be doing it with their turbo engines, but I've never seen it done... I have see people use the 4 port on N/A engine however...
13B-RE has the best 4 ports of any rotary engine.. The primary ports and runners are huge compared to any of the other engines and are about the same size at the FD secondary ports, the secondary ports on the RE are the same as the FD secondary ports.. If you want to build a full brige ported engine the 13B-RE is the engine you want to use....