plane crash
ok im mad drunk so dont bitch about my grammer any way a plane just crashed ok maybe not just, but at 830 a plane crased in someones drive way just down the street from my house. ok so me and my drunken friend here about this shyt on the news and were like wtf so we jump in the car and start lookin for this shyt after finding all the roads are blocked off for like a mile we decide to pull some secret mission type shyt and go through peoples back yards and shyt until we finally find it, that shyt was FUCKED UP my friend and i stood 30 ft away for the remains of this plane and all that was left was the *** end the tail wings and rutter upside down in this guy drive way their mexicans will be pulling peices of plane out of their yard for the next year we ended up meeting up with a few other drunk eople we knew and got kicked out b/c we started getting a little loud but any way could you imagin eating dinner here a big boom and look out your window and see a plane in you driveway or better yet your driving down a major road and see a plane fly and crash right in front of you, shyts crazy. and these new guy were there and didnt know wtf they were talking about and all the drunken people were making funn of him 3 takes later we found out the plane left NC this after noon and was trying to make it to caldwell airport (like 30miles away) and never made it. this **** is crazy. ok im done
this is the only story i could find with pix and vid