I've got to ask about rotary top 150 phony hits!
We have over 1.5 million pageviews every month. The counter does not order by unique, only by the number of times the counter is displayed, so everytime anyone loads the front page, it counts one. If you vote, it counts it as a vote.... but by default the top 150 orders them by the number of times the the "code" is diplayed NOT UNIQUE's.
umm how do you get 12468 the most in one month to 1.5 million page views?
It doesn't seem to compute
Yes you are right as in your front page get's ONE hit at rotary top 150 on the front page, and so there goes your answer right there..
It doesn't seem to compute
Yes you are right as in your front page get's ONE hit at rotary top 150 on the front page, and so there goes your answer right there..
Because pageviews is everytime a page loads. The tracker is ONLY on the FRONT PAGE. 90% of the 1.5 million pageviews are spent viewing the forum pages... much like you are now. Most prolly only hit the front page once or twice a day while they load the forum several hundred times each day.
That may be true, but then how does your front page go from 250 per day on average to 113047?????? on that site? It seems Rx-7City.com was in the lead, then pow, this site was in the lead, and you do it from only having 250 hits per day, but according to them, your page sees 1000 hits per day... Someone is reloading your site a bunch of times to get that number though.. just curious
These are copied from the stat report for nopistons.com, hopefully they will "satisfy" your doubts.
Jul 2002 Total Pageviews: 1721420
I don't want to do dig out last months reports so here is the current breakdown for you, you can figure it all out if you want.
Aug 2002 Total Pageviews: 225681
Daily Summary
Day Requests Pages
Sun 527510 12.316% 7954 12.303%
Mon 870034 20.312% 12697 19.639%
Tue 627655 14.654% 9390 14.524%
Wed 569684 13.300% 8571 13.257%
Thu 603148 14.081% 9060 14.013%
Fri 600677 14.024% 9648 14.923%
Sat 484563 11.313% 7333 11.342%
Hourly Summary
Hour Requests Pages
00 216318 5.050% 2871 4.441%
01 140882 3.289% 2208 3.415%
02 114970 2.684% 1548 2.394%
03 75176 1.755% 1208 1.868%
04 49898 1.165% 926 1.432%
05 36316 0.848% 718 1.111%
06 45696 1.067% 803 1.242%
07 59227 1.383% 962 1.488%
08 88596 2.068% 1344 2.079%
09 156335 3.650% 1995 3.086%
10 188845 4.409% 2614 4.043%
11 211324 4.934% 2868 4.436%
12 218457 5.100% 3134 4.847%
13 209995 4.903% 3292 5.092%
14 229974 5.369% 3405 5.267%
15 206240 4.815% 3354 5.188%
16 209018 4.880% 3532 5.463%
17 221532 5.172% 3758 5.813%
18 219425 5.123% 3968 6.137%
19 245907 5.741% 4041 6.250%
20 342109 7.987% 4398 6.802%
21 316541 7.390% 4650 7.192%
22 242287 5.657% 3686 5.701%
23 238203 5.561% 3370 5.212%
/forums/ 3167855 73.959% 50.425 50.425%
/cgi-bin/ 57109 1.333% 17.534 17.534%
[root directory] 252236 5.889% 14.411 14.411%
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/phpads/ 35347 0.825% 4.617 4.617%
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/squirrelmail/ 17635 0.412% 0.985 0.985%
/banners/ 6114 0.143% 0.534 0.534%
[not listed: 7] 1038 0.024% 0.011 0.011%
File Type Report
File Type Requests % Bytes
.jpg 501941 11.719% 35.725 35.725%
.php 439969 10.272% 27.123 27.123%
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.exe 404 0.009% 0.248 0.248%
.js 12657 0.295% 0.135 0.135%
[not listed: 12] 2391 0.056% 0.130 0.130%
Browser Report
Broser Requests
MSIE 3870166 90.366%
Mozilla 363794 8.494%
[not listed: 151] 48802 1.139%
Failures Report
File Requests
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[not listed: 758]
I could break it down to ip's too, but I am not going to give you that info
Jul 2002 Total Pageviews: 1721420
I don't want to do dig out last months reports so here is the current breakdown for you, you can figure it all out if you want.
Aug 2002 Total Pageviews: 225681
Daily Summary
Day Requests Pages
Sun 527510 12.316% 7954 12.303%
Mon 870034 20.312% 12697 19.639%
Tue 627655 14.654% 9390 14.524%
Wed 569684 13.300% 8571 13.257%
Thu 603148 14.081% 9060 14.013%
Fri 600677 14.024% 9648 14.923%
Sat 484563 11.313% 7333 11.342%
Hourly Summary
Hour Requests Pages
00 216318 5.050% 2871 4.441%
01 140882 3.289% 2208 3.415%
02 114970 2.684% 1548 2.394%
03 75176 1.755% 1208 1.868%
04 49898 1.165% 926 1.432%
05 36316 0.848% 718 1.111%
06 45696 1.067% 803 1.242%
07 59227 1.383% 962 1.488%
08 88596 2.068% 1344 2.079%
09 156335 3.650% 1995 3.086%
10 188845 4.409% 2614 4.043%
11 211324 4.934% 2868 4.436%
12 218457 5.100% 3134 4.847%
13 209995 4.903% 3292 5.092%
14 229974 5.369% 3405 5.267%
15 206240 4.815% 3354 5.188%
16 209018 4.880% 3532 5.463%
17 221532 5.172% 3758 5.813%
18 219425 5.123% 3968 6.137%
19 245907 5.741% 4041 6.250%
20 342109 7.987% 4398 6.802%
21 316541 7.390% 4650 7.192%
22 242287 5.657% 3686 5.701%
23 238203 5.561% 3370 5.212%
/forums/ 3167855 73.959% 50.425 50.425%
/cgi-bin/ 57109 1.333% 17.534 17.534%
[root directory] 252236 5.889% 14.411 14.411%
/ib/ 532189 12.425% 5.358 5.358%
/phpads/ 35347 0.825% 4.617 4.617%
/images/ 164234 3.834% 3.247 3.247%
/forumb/ 42580 0.994% 1.870 1.870%
/guestbook/ 6933 0.162% 1.008 1.008%
/squirrelmail/ 17635 0.412% 0.985 0.985%
/banners/ 6114 0.143% 0.534 0.534%
[not listed: 7] 1038 0.024% 0.011 0.011%
File Type Report
File Type Requests % Bytes
.jpg 501941 11.719% 35.725 35.725%
.php 439969 10.272% 27.123 27.123%
.cgi 57109 1.333% 17.534 17.534%
.gif 3051897 71.252% 8.857 8.857%
[directories] 59582 1.391% 5.826 5.826%
.swf 20674 0.483% 1.859 1.859%
.JPG 11449 0.267% 1.247 1.247%
.css 120404 2.811% 0.904 0.904%
.htm 4793 0.112% 0.414 0.414%
.exe 404 0.009% 0.248 0.248%
.js 12657 0.295% 0.135 0.135%
[not listed: 12] 2391 0.056% 0.130 0.130%
Browser Report
Broser Requests
MSIE 3870166 90.366%
Mozilla 363794 8.494%
[not listed: 151] 48802 1.139%
Failures Report
File Requests
/ib/non-cgi/Skin/SKIN-3/pixel.gif 43718 34.053%
/images/smilies/beer.gif 40434 31.495%
/ikons/pixel.gif 13083 10.191%
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/forums/html/avatars/rotorava3.gif 144 0.112%
[not listed: 758]
I could break it down to ip's too, but I am not going to give you that info
Originally Posted by jetskier' date='Aug 6 2002, 01:11 PM
That may be true, but then how does your front page go from 250 per day on average to 113047?????? on that site? It seems Rx-7City.com was in the lead, then pow, this site was in the lead, and you do it from only having 250 hits per day, but according to them, your page sees 1000 hits per day... Someone is reloading your site a bunch of times to get that number though.. just curious
You could always complain to the rotarytop150 if it concerns you so much or you could just accept that is a stupid top150 counter and it really has no bearing on your day to day life... just a thought. Pretty much all of them are flawed, but I seriously doubt anyone here cares enough to sit there and reload the page over and over again.