Hilarious Bumper Sticker For You Dd
I use to have a bunch of those printed out. Funny story: I was 16 just had my licence and drove my dads car. I accidently left one of those in the rear window, stuck there, and he went to church Sunday morning for everyone to see. Kind of ironic, cause i was just remembering that the other day.
I broke into laughter at school the other day. There was a mid-nineties honda accord parked diagonally, across two parking spaces. I thought, "what a dousche bag." Then I saw her (it was a her, too) bumper sticker: "Am I the only person in this world that knows how to drive?" I seriously just erupted in laughter. It was mint.
Theres a ft btch at this store I used to work at who parks her hyundai accent in the middle of two parking bays to avoid carpark damage, but we get sooo busy on weekends that people purposely shove trolleys down the gap in a spiteful response to her selfishness of taking up more bays than necessary. One time she left her lights on and nobody told her, it sat all day from 9 till 5 slowly draining the battery. Unfortunately it started straight away and she didn't even notice. Must have had a good battery. Sucks though, we couldn't laugh at her. Arrogant btch.