Any Koreans In Here?
some guy bought an egt gauge from me from e bay.... and i specifically stated that i will only ship to the US. they sent the payment with the correct shipping amount, but the address was for Korea.... so i contacted the person to tell them that there is a 7 dollar diffrence between korea and california shipping. and he replied
쇠鯖苡 쇠齬堊 숍剿靭압 惚釗五縡剃齊뀔翩 奬陳彧-舜諦碇볏淙뼝鷗覩譚民: 굅從; 팥塊-팁苽暻: ±¼¸²薨/彩盒孃섞猥宋> 쇄淨夏 셸瑙안牆字. I 派賊奄 畝瑃 剃疊l 倧芋e 彧腎丑抑 彧採賑謫e 蓮若섞妗탑셸瑙씰賊 竟t 張 依鄭 羸蘖 闔u 暢賊 郁 剃張.섞妗탑셸瑙앝矮鏑 闔草섞妗탑셸瑙쑥荻債뻤/妗탑 쇤暲 寀弑㎬諦齊//奬雩.說檍燼刷.薪孜張寨淞憶蘖輒沚孼誦易尿稚猥紳.修嘲築鵝낭떡뎬갛&出奄藕쏀釗愴癲音厦浪傾略棠木패켈 좨핵喀휄갊 巴碍饔1 猥遇搖쉽씔蕣씔蕣씔蕣씔蕣씔疊筍e 舜進奄숱각 愼壹趙狎彧營ː" 愼壹債率彧營ː" 巴碍饔℉떳" 猥遇搖숱떠♥숏贄숏堊솽 嶢臆숱搖替변/採字說檍燼刷.薪笠 疊陳淹숱穡藺鏑♥쇤暲 寀弑"搖替변/껑리굔뎌뎬.낱/奬雩/疊雩/껐객굇낡敍蹴塞我.五歟舜進奄숱각씔蕣씔/貼씔/滯씔/疊筍孃섞舜扼> 섞搖漿>
that **** translates to
The iron iron syop pressure it will release, Jin - the cockscomb ppyeng: Goeb; phath Lump - tip: / Miss Sugg Song sway Ha shell inside. I l e e Sugg tower shell ssil t Jang Jung u Oog Jang - Sugg tower shell At Sugg tower shell sagebrush ppess/tower Soen/.. Jang. Nang rice cake tyeyn Gah & ssyeyn Thursday phay kheyl cway the nuclear hweyl Galm 1 swip ssuyl ssuyl ssuyl ssuyl ssuyl e quantity each Sin Jo "Sin" ttes "quantity floating shot shot swang quantity Byun/. Jin quantity Soen" Byun/kkeng li kyon tye tyeyn. the piece///kkess visitor Goes Nalg . quantity angle ssuyl ssuyl/ssuyl/ssuyl/Miss Sugg Sugg $$ln
sooo... how should i resolve this? should i just take the 7 dollar loss? should i just keep the money cuz he cant hunt me down? or keep it boxed and ready to ship til he sends the money?
쇠鯖苡 쇠齬堊 숍剿靭압 惚釗五縡剃齊뀔翩 奬陳彧-舜諦碇볏淙뼝鷗覩譚民: 굅從; 팥塊-팁苽暻: ±¼¸²薨/彩盒孃섞猥宋> 쇄淨夏 셸瑙안牆字. I 派賊奄 畝瑃 剃疊l 倧芋e 彧腎丑抑 彧採賑謫e 蓮若섞妗탑셸瑙씰賊 竟t 張 依鄭 羸蘖 闔u 暢賊 郁 剃張.섞妗탑셸瑙앝矮鏑 闔草섞妗탑셸瑙쑥荻債뻤/妗탑 쇤暲 寀弑㎬諦齊//奬雩.說檍燼刷.薪孜張寨淞憶蘖輒沚孼誦易尿稚猥紳.修嘲築鵝낭떡뎬갛&出奄藕쏀釗愴癲音厦浪傾略棠木패켈 좨핵喀휄갊 巴碍饔1 猥遇搖쉽씔蕣씔蕣씔蕣씔蕣씔疊筍e 舜進奄숱각 愼壹趙狎彧營ː" 愼壹債率彧營ː" 巴碍饔℉떳" 猥遇搖숱떠♥숏贄숏堊솽 嶢臆숱搖替변/採字說檍燼刷.薪笠 疊陳淹숱穡藺鏑♥쇤暲 寀弑"搖替변/껑리굔뎌뎬.낱/奬雩/疊雩/껐객굇낡敍蹴塞我.五歟舜進奄숱각씔蕣씔/貼씔/滯씔/疊筍孃섞舜扼> 섞搖漿>
that **** translates to
The iron iron syop pressure it will release, Jin - the cockscomb ppyeng: Goeb; phath Lump - tip: / Miss Sugg Song sway Ha shell inside. I l e e Sugg tower shell ssil t Jang Jung u Oog Jang - Sugg tower shell At Sugg tower shell sagebrush ppess/tower Soen/.. Jang. Nang rice cake tyeyn Gah & ssyeyn Thursday phay kheyl cway the nuclear hweyl Galm 1 swip ssuyl ssuyl ssuyl ssuyl ssuyl e quantity each Sin Jo "Sin" ttes "quantity floating shot shot swang quantity Byun/. Jin quantity Soen" Byun/kkeng li kyon tye tyeyn. the piece///kkess visitor Goes Nalg . quantity angle ssuyl ssuyl/ssuyl/ssuyl/Miss Sugg Sugg $$ln
sooo... how should i resolve this? should i just take the 7 dollar loss? should i just keep the money cuz he cant hunt me down? or keep it boxed and ready to ship til he sends the money?
maybe its chinese
□鯖 苡□齬 堊 □suppresses □□惚 encourages five 縡shaves Qi?p'ien □Chen 彧 - Shun Titing □the sound of flowing water □gull □Tan people: □from; □block - □□暻: ± □□□dies/color box mother □猥 Song?ching xia?nao the □wall character I school of thief 奄 Chinese acre □shaves folds l 倧芋 the e 彧 kidney clown to damp 彧 picks gives relief exiles e □□□aunt □□瑙 □thief unexpectedly t to depend on Zheng Lei? 闔 u smooth thief Yu T'ichang □the aunt □□瑙 □short arrowhead 闔 grass □aunt □□瑙 □荻 debt □/ aunt □□暲寀 □□is attentively uneven // □雩 □檍 the cinders brush Firewood unwearied effort Zhang Chaisung recalled □always 沚 □reads aloud □the urine to be young 猥 紳 Repairs jeer builds goose □□□□& to leave 奄 the lotus root □to encourage the sad insane sound □wave to lean slightly the Tang wooden □□□□喀 □□Pakistan □cooked food 1 猥 to meet swings □□蕣 □蕣 □蕣 □蕣 □folds bamboo shoots e Shun Chinyan □□□one Zhao Hsia? camp □"□one debt rate 彧 camp □" Pakistan □cooked food ℉ □"猥 to meet swings □□□□the engagement gift □堊 □嶢 chest □to swing for □/ picks the character □檍 cinders to brush The firewood □folds Chen Yan? 穡□arrowhead □□暲 寀 □"to swing for □/ □□□□□ □/ □雩/folds 雩/□□□□□kicks □me Five 歟 Shun Chinyan □□□蕣 □/ pastes □/ stagnates □/ folds bamboo shoots mother □Shun E? to swing the thick liquid
□鯖 苡□齬 堊 □suppresses □□惚 encourages five 縡shaves Qi?p'ien □Chen 彧 - Shun Titing □the sound of flowing water □gull □Tan people: □from; □block - □□暻: ± □□□dies/color box mother □猥 Song?ching xia?nao the □wall character I school of thief 奄 Chinese acre □shaves folds l 倧芋 the e 彧 kidney clown to damp 彧 picks gives relief exiles e □□□aunt □□瑙 □thief unexpectedly t to depend on Zheng Lei? 闔 u smooth thief Yu T'ichang □the aunt □□瑙 □short arrowhead 闔 grass □aunt □□瑙 □荻 debt □/ aunt □□暲寀 □□is attentively uneven // □雩 □檍 the cinders brush Firewood unwearied effort Zhang Chaisung recalled □always 沚 □reads aloud □the urine to be young 猥 紳 Repairs jeer builds goose □□□□& to leave 奄 the lotus root □to encourage the sad insane sound □wave to lean slightly the Tang wooden □□□□喀 □□Pakistan □cooked food 1 猥 to meet swings □□蕣 □蕣 □蕣 □蕣 □folds bamboo shoots e Shun Chinyan □□□one Zhao Hsia? camp □"□one debt rate 彧 camp □" Pakistan □cooked food ℉ □"猥 to meet swings □□□□the engagement gift □堊 □嶢 chest □to swing for □/ picks the character □檍 cinders to brush The firewood □folds Chen Yan? 穡□arrowhead □□暲 寀 □"to swing for □/ □□□□□ □/ □雩/folds 雩/□□□□□kicks □me Five 歟 Shun Chinyan □□□蕣 □/ pastes □/ stagnates □/ folds bamboo shoots mother □Shun E? to swing the thick liquid
its not japanese... here's the translation in english
か。か。か。か。か。か。か。か。か。か。???????? ???-??????????: か。か。; ??-???: ....?/??? か。か。か。?????. I か。か。か。か。か。??l の??e か。か。か。か。????e の?????? は?t か。か。か。か。か。?u か。か。???.???????? ???????????/?? ???????//??.????.????????????????.????????&???????????????? ????? ???1???????????????e の?? は???????" ???????" ?????" ??????????? ??????/??????.?? ????????????"???/?????.?/??/??/????????.??????????/??/??/?????? か。か。か。
か。か。か。か。か。か。か。か。か。か。???????? ???-??????????: か。か。; ??-???: ....?/??? か。か。か。?????. I か。か。か。か。か。??l の??e か。か。か。か。????e の?????? は?t か。か。か。か。か。?u か。か。???.???????? ???????????/?? ???????//??.????.????????????????.????????&???????????????? ????? ???1???????????????e の?? は???????" ???????" ?????" ??????????? ??????/??????.?? ????????????"???/?????.?/??/??/????????.??????????/??/??/?????? か。か。か。