Fd Sucker Punch
So I'm putting my new fuel filter on yesterday after work taking advantage of one of our many lifts, when I quick realize how much of a pain in the *** a fuel filter change is on an FD!! Definitely haven't swore that much in a while, over something so simple. Anyway, my FD has given me almost no trouble since I got it but that changed real quick.... I was moving around and contorting myself in all these weird positions to try and see, and get a good grip on the stock filter when Bam!! I was pulling on the filter when the steel fuel lines that run along the driver side of the car completely crimped and snapped in half spilling 94 octane all over me!! The filter went on eventually, and I definitely needed it as nasty goopy tar crap oozed out!! But now I'm stuck with $200 in fuel lines that need to be replaced. Which isn't list price by the way, that's my dealer price, so I at least lucked out with that! Should be in on Thursday so I'll post on how hard that install is. Rust and 10 years of neglect destroys fuel lines so check yours when you change your filter!
Originally Posted by turbovr6' date='Mar 16 2004, 09:58 PM
you take the filter out, add a line/fittings, or a rubber hose and clamps to take the place of the filter. then you add a filter under the hood between the stock metal line and rubber line.
Originally Posted by AgentSpeed' date='Mar 17 2004, 12:51 AM
I beleive SPautos (Stephen) took his charcoal canaster out and relocated his new dual fuel filters to that location.
I don't see why people have issues getting the stock filter out. A 10 mm universal and a 10 extension and you can hit the two bolts from the back, slide the clamps off the lines and have it off in 10min.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck anyway.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck anyway.